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Ersthelfertraining - Ihr privater Erste Hilfe Kurs bei Ihnen zuhause

About Our Company

What Are We?

We are Ersthelfertraining, a company based in Vienna, Austria, founded in 2018. We offer first aid courses and emergency training for individuals, businesses, and medical professionals. Our team consists of experienced paramedics, and we provide courses in both German and English.

What Are We Not?

We are not a government agency or public institution.


What kind of Value Do We Create?

We create safety. Our courses equip participants with the knowledge and skills to save lives in emergencies.

What Do We Stand For?

We stand for quality and practical relevance. Our courses are led by seasoned instructors with extensive experience and a passion for emergency medicine. We emphasize that our participants are capable of providing first aid in real-life situations after completing our courses. We believe in the “learning by doing” principle, which is why we avoid using PowerPoint in our courses. Participants learn primarily through practical experiences, which are more memorable than traditional lectures.


What Problems Do We Solve? 

  • We address the issue of uncertainty and lack of knowledge in first aid. Many people do not know how to provide first aid in emergencies. Our courses impart the necessary knowledge and skills for such situations.

  • Many people struggle to attend first aid courses due to time constraints. We solve this problem by offering flexible scheduling from 9 AM to 10 PM.

  • We also tackle the problem of shyness and fear. Our courses take place in familiar environments, such as with family or friends, so participants do not have to demonstrate exercises in front of strangers, which can be a barrier for some.

  • Additionally, we solve the problem of commuting to and from courses by coming directly to our clients’ homes. This is especially beneficial for those with childcare responsibilities or who care for relatives at home.

  • We address the issue of unrealistic training environments by conducting our courses at our clients’ homes. This allows us to tailor exercises to the participants’ real-life settings. For example, we can practice child resuscitation in the bathroom, where a child might actually drown. This makes the exercises more realistic and the learning more impactful.

  • By exclusively teaching small groups, we can focus more on our clients’ specific life situations, providing more relevant and practical training.

  • We also solve the problem of discomfort and squeamishness. Many people are uncomfortable performing close-contact exercises with strangers or using the same resuscitation mannequin as others. In our courses, this is not an issue, as only familiar people participate together.

What Are We Particularly Good At?

We excel at leading interactive exercises. Our first aid training sessions are designed for participants to actively engage and apply what they learn immediately.


What Does Success Mean to Us?

Success means that our clients are capable of providing first aid in emergencies. We measure our success by the positive feedback we receive from participants, who tell us they feel confident and competent thanks to our training.


What would make us happy?

We would be happy to welcome you to one of our courses!

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