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Ersthelfertraining - Ihr privater Erste Hilfe Kurs bei Ihnen zuhause
  • When do first aid trainings take place?
    First-aid-trainings can be booked by our customers on any day of the week and at any time in between 9 a.m. to 10 p.m. When booking an online course, the time between booking and the course date is always at least 2 weeks. We trainers need this time to be able to organize our time accordingly. If you would like to take a course at shorter notice, please just write to us or give us a call! We may not be as flexible with the dates, but we will still try our best to find a short-term date for you.
  • Is first aid training suitable for the education and training of "company first aiders" (betriebliche Ersthelfer)?
    Yes, our courses are recognized by the labor inspectorate as education and training for "company first aiders" (betriebliche Ersthelfer) (§ 26 ASChG , § 40 AStV , § 31 BauV ). Information regarding the regulations for "company first aiders" can be found on the website of the Labour Inspectorate. Frequently asked questions about the training and further education of "company first aiders" are answered in detail and in an easy-to-understand manner in this special FAQ on the website of the Labour Inspectorate.
  • Do the trainees get course certificates?
    Yes, we will issue you a course certificate (= or confirmation of participation) after successfully completing a first aid training.
  • In what way do we teach?
    The main component of our courses is practicing, repeating, and combining life-saving first aid measures. We deliberately avoid using PowerPoint and do not give lectures for large groups. Instead, we conduct interactive practical training sessions for small groups.
  • Where do the trainings take place?
    We come to our clients’ homes, or to companies or medical practices, to train with our clients where they live or work. This allows us to incorporate people’s living environments into our exercises. We don’t just place a blanket in the middle of a circle of chairs for practice; instead, we incorporate stairs, kitchens, bathtubs, children’s rooms, or, if applicable, your medical practice into our exercises. This makes our courses more practical and comprehensible for the participants. We primarily offer first aid training in Vienna, Lower Austria, and Upper Austria. Outside our main business area, we also try to organize first aid training upon request - just contact us.
  • How much does first aid training cost?
    The total prices for our trainings (up to max. 6 participants) are: € 580,- for 4 hours € 780,- for 6 hours € 980,- for 8 hours € 1780,- for 16 hours We charge per course and not per participant. The price therefore remains the same whether the first aid training is for 1 or for 6 people. We have no hidden costs for travel or anything like that.
  • Does "Ersthelfertraining" also offer first-aid-courses necessary for driving licenses?
    No, we do not offer first aid courses for driving licenses. The "proof of instruction in immediate life-saving measures" (§6 FSG-DV ) is a certificate which, in accordance with the "Führerscheingesetz-Durchführungsverordnung", can only be issued by very specific agencies, for example the Red Cross or the Johanniter-Unfall-Hilfe .
  • Can I cancel a first-aid-training before the course?
    Yes, you can cancel booked trainings free of charge up to 7 days before the agreed date. After that, 50% will be charged up to the day before the course date. If you cancel on the day of the agreed training, the entire amount for the training must be paid. If unexpected circumstances arise that force you to postpone the course (illness, accident, etc.), please contact us as soon as possible! We are willing to postpone a course at short notice free of charge if the reasons are valid and understandable.
  • What should I prepare or bring with me for a first-aid-training?
    You do not need to prepare anything special. The vanue should have a place to sit for each participant as well as space for exercises on the floor. We will bring blankets for exercises on the floor.
  • What qualifications do the trainers have?
    Our first-aid-trainings are taught by highly qualified medical professionals. We are emergency paramedics, intensive care nurses, and doctors. All employees at "Ersthelfertraining" have many years of experience in the emergency services and they also have additional training as lecturers in first aid. The Medical Director of "Ersthelfertraining" is senior physician Dr. Daniel Csomor, MD - specialist in anesthesiology and intensive care medicine, emergency doctor and ERC instructor.
  • How many people can participate?
    Our courses are generally designed for a maximum of 6 participants. It doesn't matter whether 1 or 6 people ultimately take part in the course - the price remains the same. If our costumer specifically requests it, there can be more than 6 participants in our first aid training. From the 7th participant onwards we will charge an additional €90 per person for the course (regardless of how long the course lasts). We ask you to let us know in advance if you are expecting more than 6 people to your course so that we can prepare the course materials accordingly.
  • Does "Ersthelfertraining" also rent out equipment?
    Yes, we lend out our training equipment if only the equipment is needed for an emergency medical exercise, but no first aid trainer from us. For example, you can borrow the following for emergency training: Adult resuscitation manikin Laerdal " Resusci Anne QCPR with airway head " Child resuscitation doll “Ambu Junior ” Infant resuscitation manikin "Prestan Professional Infant Manikin " Heimlich Handgrip Trainer “Act Fast” Training defibrillator Lifepak CR-T and other equipment on request
  • According to which guidelines and professional standards does first aid training teach?
    We teach first aid trainings according to the guidelines of the Austrian Red Cross. We provide emergency training for medical professionals according to the guidelines of the European Resuscitation Council (ERC).
  • Are babies and children allowed to attend first-aid-trainings?
    Yes, both babies and children can take part in first aid training. This is ideal for families because that ways they don't need a babysitter and can even include their own babies or children in the exercises. - Children up to school age can attend in addition to the 6 participants included in the course price. - School children count as course participants. We also treat them as participants and, of course, provide child-friendly first aid training.
  • What is the difference between a 4, 6, 8, and 16-hour course?
    We train our clients on the topics relevant to them. The longer the training lasts, the more topics can be trained and practiced. Course Example: You have no prior experience in first aid and you book a 4-hour training session at your home for the family: In the first 4 hours, we train the most important life-saving measures for babies, children, and adults - depending on which age group is relevant for our clients. If all age groups are relevant, we simply train all measures on baby, child, and adult mannequins. This makes no difference in terms of time, as participants can train on all mannequins simultaneously. In children’s emergency courses, we usually first practice the correct maneuvers for a choking emergency (airway obstruction, for example, due to inhaled solid food in babies or inhaled toys in children). We then focus on unresponsive patients and learn the correct way to check for breathing. Building on this, we train the correct handling of still breathing unresponsive patients (recovery position) as well as the correct handling of non-breathing patients (resuscitation - also with a defibrillator). The remaining time in the 4-hour course is used for one or two additional topics, depending on which are most relevant to the clients. Here is a selection of topics from our courses: Seizure, shortness of breath, severe allergic reaction, head injury, arm or leg injury, severe bleeding on the arm, burn and chemical burn, nosebleed, wound care, traffic accidents, helmet removal, circulatory collapse, heat emergency, poisoning, psychiatric emergency, stroke, heart attack, diabetes, turning and moving unresponsive patients out of danger situations.
  • Why is there "Ersthelfertraining"?
    We founded "Ersthelfertraining" because we no longer wanted to give frontal lectures and PowerPoint presentations. At "Ersthelfertraining" we do practical and interactive training sessions for small groups. We are passionate about demonstrating that first aid trainings can be enjoyable and unforgettable experiences for everyone involved.
  • Are there special offers for caregivers?
    Yes, we also train family members of people in need of care in their homes. We prepare you well for any emergencies with people in need of care. Our training depends on your specific situation. Our special training for caregivers can include, for example: Keeping the airways clear under special conditions (relatives with tracheostomy, tracheal cannula) Handling a possible airway obstruction in bedridden persons Moving people under difficult conditions (e.g. bring someoe into the stable-side-position in the hospital bed) Assistance with getting up (helping someone from the floor to a chair, wheelchair, or bed) Fall prevention (safe environment)
  • Does "Ersthelfertraining" also offer trainings for medical professionals (e.g. physicians, doctors, nurses, and further staff at a doctor’s office)?
    Yes, are happy to come to your doctor's office and train you and your professional practice team for medical emergencies that may occur in your practice. We tailor the course content precisely to your needs. Of course, we also have baby and toddler dolls for pediatricians' offices to practice with.
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